Pneumatic manipulator is a automated devices that can mimic the human hand and arm movements to do something,aslo can according to a fixed procedure to moving objects or control tools. It can replace the heavy labor in order to achieve the production mechanization and automation, and can work in dangerous working environments to protect the personal safety, Therefore widely used in machine building, metallurgy, electronics, light industry and atomic energy sectors.
Manipulator is an automatic position control and programming the machine to change again, this design is a model of manipulator based on PLC control system design. Pneumatic manipulator control system of design requirements is in control system of instruction Xia, can will workpiece quickly, and flexible, and accurate, and reliable to grabbed and delivery to specified location, so this design used PLC can programming controller as workpiece crawl manipulator of control system, first under manipulator of action process and entered output requirements select has PLC of model, and under manipulator function and characteristics on all original for has selection and on its for has calculation and school and, After the robot gripper is a design and calculation and school and, on the basis of the electrical circuit has been designed, last on the control system hardware and select the Edit original to determine I/O interface, editing and debugging of programs, so that the robot to complete the final setup tasks.
Key words: PLC programmable controller ;Manipulator ;Stepping motor ;
Control design ;I/O interface ;Electrical circuit
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